
Time Is Money

"Time is money and money is time." Making things faster and efficient has taken our society by storm. Internet is always trying to get faster, cars are always trying to get faster, e mail replaces postal service mail. EVERYTHING IS FASTER! Highways make transportation faster, chain restaurants make food faster, having a gas station every 20 miles makes things faster. Everything must be faster in society today. I don’t know a time where if things weren’t fast. If it’s not fast it’s deemed not good. Take for instance a restaurant. You want to sit down, have your food within 15 minutes then leave. Everything has to be fast. Wasting time is wasting money, and I feel our society is really starting to take hold of this idea. But sometimes, having something that is made cheap or fast doesn’t always equal a better product. It may be worse than the product that took just a little longer and can with hold for a long long time. So which is better? Fast way or slow way? I don’t know the answer yet. I’m still working on that myself I guess.

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