
A Reflection I guess...

So, after talking about gender roles in the last blog, my boyfriend and I were talking and I realized some things. My boyfriend has a hot temper because of his job. He knows that I don’t like it when he’s angry cause he takes it out on me. So, he tries to calm himself down before talking to me. I realized that maybe I am a person who is promoting the false self. Because I was satisfaction in the relationship, I am trying to make him cater to me. This is just my point that I was trying to make in the last blog. We are always trying to make others happy. We are always in a constant struggle to try and please other people.

Another thing that brought about this blog is reality t.v. shows. I must admit that I am a t.v. junkie, and I like to watch reality t.v. shows. One of these shows is called Rock of Love 2 with Sharron Osbourne. I feel like with a lot of reality t.v., people put on this front and depict someone that they really aren’t. I feel like the maybe by having these things so visible in our society, it strengthens the idea of being submissive to other people and to trying to make other’s happy. I dunno just a thought.

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