
LC vs Hawaii Thinking

As I’m thinking this book, I think about emotions here at LC and at home. I am from Hawaii, and I am not afraid to wear my emotions on my sleeve. If I am not happy, then I am not afraid to express it. For example, a friend and I got into an altercation once. I yelled at him because a) I thought he was dumb and 2) he was pissing me off. However, here at LC I express my emotions very differently. When I’m happy, I am very happy and there is no need to hide that. But when I am mad, I tend to feel the need to hide that anger. I am not in my normal social settings, and don’t know how people will react to my emotions. Maybe I am afraid of what people will think of me, and wonder why I am feeling that way. It’s almost as if I’m trying to keep people distant from me when I’m upset. It’s seems also that I am trying to hide my sadness or anger to make other people happy. This seems as if I am sacrificing my happiness for other people’s happiness. I live in close quarters with my three other room mates, and feeling angry makes the room feel uncomfortable and tense. None of us want that, and sometimes hide our anger in order to try to cut the tension when really it just makes it worse. This is kind of like the household. Maybe this is a gender characteristic. We are all females in my apartment and it has been a social norm for women to try and make other’s around you happy. Like I said earlier, it’s like we’re catering to other people’s feelings and emotions and the sacrifice of our own.

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