

It is always difficult to distinguish between a feeling and emotion. According to "The managed heart" feelings are the initial thing that we feel. The emotion is the underlying and deeper feeling. We think about out feeling and turn it into an emotion. In America, we show are emotions. We "wear our emotions on our sleeves". Now is this normal? Do we really always have to show an emotion all the time. Showing your emotion is especially important for jobs. Also in America, we must FAKE an emotion for the satisfaction of others. An example that we talked about in class was a flight attendant. For many flight attendants, they must smile and cater to everyone's needs and wants. They must portray that they are happy. Their true emotions must be pushed a side in order to make the customer happy. This is also true in the sales world. I worked as a sales associate for two summers. There were days when I would have such a bad day, but I could never show it to the customer. I always had to make sure that they were alright and that they were finding everything to their likable standards. Although this is hard sometimes, I feel that this is a norm for our society. Our society puts up fronts. We hid our true selves in order to hide our true feelings or our emotions for the sake of other people.

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