
Money is the mans to end.

In this weeks reading, we found that the boys were aware of the importance of money in their lives. However, the two male groups are extremely different in their dreams and aspirations for themselves for the future.

The Hallway Hangers are extremely away of the odds that are against them economically and socially. First of all, they know that because they come from low-income housing developments of Clarendon Heights , they have a "reputation" that will follow them no matter where they go. They also understand that opportunities are small, and they feel that the life of the streets is the only way to be successful. They never know if they will be here today or gone tomorrow. They live their lives day to day. Success could be characterized by selling drugs or stealing. Any means of making money is the focus. The Hallway Hangers believe that talent and effort does not always yield success. In many of their eyes, jobs are made through connections. It doesn't matter what you have to offer. The Hallway Hangers feel that they are trapped in their situation. They see hurdles that they feel the brothers do not see or understand yet. The Hallway Hangers feel the Brothers are not as street savvy as they are, and feel like their dreams and aspirations will never become a reality. Although this is true, there are a few that want to make it. They want to get their family out of housing, and they want to make something out of themselves. On of the Hallway Hangers wanted to own his own company. It didn't matter how long it would take. He just wanted to own his own company. I feel that this is a highly ambitious attitude compared to most of the Hallway Hangers who are mostly pessimistic about their entire situation.

The Brothers on the other hand have more optimism about their options for the future. many oft them want high paying jobs such as architects, lawyers, doctors, businessman, and profession sports athelets. The Brothers feel optimistic and have focus on nice house, lawns, kids, and wonderful wives. However, it seems like the parents are the driving force behind the boys future. They want their sons to also get out of this social and economical situation that they are in. THe parents have told the boys to reach for the starts and the skies the limit. This philosophy fules the boys to have a middle class, stable, and comfortable lifestyle. Something that every parent wants for their child. The boys believe that if you put your mind to anything, you will reip rewards from it.

However, money is constantly the means in which the end of poverty will end. Both social groups want to get out of their suffering in the neighborhood. One just feels that they cannot get out of the situation no matter how hard they try. The Hallway Hangers understand that their success rate is close to 20%. The Brothers may know this, but still set personal goals to reach a higher status.

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